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Reducible Logic as a Method of Reducing Logic to Mathematics Hassan Ajami  2024 / 6 / 30 Literature and art 
Virtual Reasoning and Conditional Knowledge Hassan Ajami  2024 / 5 / 25 Literature and art 
Multirealities of the Universe Hassan Ajami  2024 / 5 / 12 Literature and art 
The Universe Is a Living Organism Hassan Ajami  2022 / 4 / 16 Natural Sciences 
Philosophical Equations Hassan Ajami  2021 / 8 / 18 Literature and art 
Humanfulism : The Art of Being Human Hassan Ajami  2021 / 8 / 13 Human rights 
Transformantalism : Spacetime Theory of the Universe Hassan Ajami  2021 / 8 / 3 Natural Sciences 
Unifulverse : The Universe is Full of Other Universes Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 27 Natural Sciences 
Uncertainty = Infinite Probabilities ÷ Energy Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 24 Natural Sciences 
Uncertainabilism: A Law of Nature Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 19 Natural Sciences 
Universefulism: A Theory of Transformant Universes Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 13 Natural Sciences 
Idealabilism and Materialabilism Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 12 Literature and art 
Idealabilism and Materialabilism Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 12 Literature and art 
Sensefulism: Denotationabilism and Connotationabilism Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 9 Literature and art 
Realabilism: A Philosophical Theory of Reality and Truth Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 6 Literature and art 
Justifiabilism: Knowabilization and Believabilization Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 4 Literature and art 
Knowabilism: A Philosophical Theory of Knowledge Hassan Ajami  2021 / 7 / 1 Literature and art 
Hassan Ajami on Philosophical and Mathematical Theories Hassan Ajami  2021 / 2 / 14 Literature and art 
Hassan Ajami on Philosophy of Humanism Hassan Ajami  2021 / 2 / 11 Literature and art 
Philosophy of Meaning: A Mathematical Theory Hassan Ajami  2020 / 9 / 15 Literature and art 


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