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A poem Entitled -- The Child of Gaza -- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 6 / 3 Literature and art 
A very short story entitled -Finis- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 6 / 1 Literature and art 
A story entitled -Nay, tis not I, O President!- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 28 Literature and art 
Very short stories ( six-word stories ) (1) Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 28 Abolition of the death penalty 
A poem entitled “The Fleeting Fantasy” Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 24 Literature and art 
A poem entitled -Gunpowder of Dignity- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 22 Literature and art 
A poem entitled -A Love Unbound- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 22 Literature and art 
- a tale of the Chameleons reign! - Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 20 Literature and art 
- A tale of absence - Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 20 Literature and art 
A poem entitled --My Beloved is Far Beyond the Borders- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 17 Literature and art 
Short Story -The Oxygen of Death- Omar Ghassa Rashed  2024 / 5 / 15 Literature and art 


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