  Modern Discussion

Modern Discussion  » Human rights

Articles and discussion on human rights, cancellation of the economic blockade, and abolition of torture and cruel punishment.

Articles Nr in this Category - 216 -
Show From - 1 - To - 25
Title Name Date
1 Religions and the Wolf of Ideology Mohamed Omara Taqi Alden  2024 / 11 / 11
2 Slavery in the 21st Century: Tindouf Camps Under Fire Zakia Khairhoum  2024 / 9 / 22
3 Slavery in the 21st Century: Tindouf Camps Under Fire Zakia Khairhoum  2024 / 9 / 22
4 Early recovery in politics Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 6 / 12
5 Corruption Contradicts Human Values, Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 6 / 6
6 Die Auswirkung der islamischen Ideologie auf die Ä-;-gypter Medhat Klada  2024 / 4 / 29
7 New -Abraham Lincoln- world needs Salah El Din Mohssein  2024 / 4 / 21
8 Teaching Citizens To Be Digital, Mohammad A.Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2024 / 2 / 15
9 From a broken-hearted mother ) Mrs. Patty Riley Salah El Din Mohssein  2024 / 2 / 11
10 The Impact of War on Heterosexuality, Mohammad A Yousef Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2023 / 12 / 26
11 The future of education 2050 Hussain Shaban  2023 / 11 / 6
12 Development and human rights Hussain Shaban  2023 / 10 / 27
13 Canaan is one homeland open to all its lovers Alimam Alnoorani  2023 / 7 / 10
14 Fighting for Justice: Seeking Freedom for Bahaa Abdul Hadi Fadi Mansour  2023 / 5 / 31
15 Denmark: Kurds protest against killing in Afrin Sherwan Shahin  2023 / 4 / 5
16 Book: He is happy to look like a terrorist Kalil Chikha  2023 / 3 / 1
17 Al Sisi slammed by Egyptian courts-;- Sharia wins and Grandmother denied justice. Dr. Ashraf Ramelah  2023 / 2 / 21
18 Solidarity with the Palestinian People Mahmoud Said Kawash  2022 / 11 / 29
19 Month of Pride Charbel Batshoun  2022 / 11 / 26
20 Coupe du monde 2022 et droits de lhomme : spectacles et revenus bātis sur les drames de milliers de personnes Driss Ould El Kabla  2022 / 11 / 18
21 The Egyptian assassination squads kill the Christians and the Muslims in Egypt -- Part 1 Seti Shenouda  2022 / 11 / 1
22 Actions that I never regret for... Mohammad Abdul-karem Yousef  2022 / 5 / 27
23 Factual Observations, Here and There (X) Ghiath El Marzouk  2022 / 1 / 19
24 Factual Observations, Here and There (IX) Ghiath El Marzouk  2022 / 1 / 15
25 The humanitarian situation in Syria will not change without the lifting of sanctions Ayman Ryad  2021 / 10 / 1

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